Inline Perk with 65mm Showerhead Perk for larger second water chamber and ice catcher. Available for Flower and Concentrates.
Natural Perk
Showerhead Perkin 65mm Chamber
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Concentrate Setup
Inline Perculators
Built InIce Catcher
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Flower Bowl
Natural Perk
Inline Perk with two tree perks providing for three layers of water filtration and ice catcher. Available for Flower and Concentrates. Flower bowl pictured.
Built InIce Catcher
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Flower Bowl
Natural Perk
Honeycomb Diffuser Plate
Inline Perk with Honeycomb Diffuser and ice catcher providing two layers of water diffusion. Available for Flower and Concentrates. Flower bowl pictured.50mm
Built InIce Catcher
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Flower Bowl
Natural Perk
Honeycomb Diffuser Plate
Inline Perk with Honeycomb Diffuser and ice catcher providing two layers of water diffusion. Available for Flower and Concentrates. Flower bowl pictured.44mm
Flower Bowl
Natural Perk
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Built InIce Catcher
Splash Guard withDiffusion Slits
Inline Perk with Diffusion Slits, Showerhead Perk, Natural Perk with splash guard dome and built in ice catcher. Available for Flower or Concentrates. Flower bowl pictured.
Natural Perk
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Built InIce Catcher
Concentrate Setup
Inline Perk with Diffusion Slits, Showerhead Perk, Natural Perk with built in ice catcher. Available for Flower or Concentrates. Concentrate Setup pictured.
Flower Bowl
Jellyfish Perkwith Colored ReversalTop in Larger 65mmChamber
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Natural Perk
Built InIce Catcher
Natural Perk
Inline Perk withDiffuser Slits
Sherlock Bubbler with Inline Perk with Diffusion slits and Natural Perk. Available for Flower or Concentrates. Flower Bowl pictured.
Natural Perk with an Inline Diffusion Stem and Showerhead Perk. Provides for two layers of water filtration.
Flower Bowl
Flower Bowl
Extra Bowl for 2nd Flower Bowl or Plug
Showerhead Perk
Natural Perk withInline Diffusion Stem
Natural Perk withInline Diffusion Stem
Showerhead Perk
Multi Piece Bubbler that allows either concentrate or flower to be smoked simultaneously with either one or two layers of water filtration. Natural Bubbler with inline diffuser and showerhead perk.
Multi Piece Bubbler that allows either concentrate or flower to be smoked simultaneously with either one or two layers of water filtration. Natural Bubbler with inline diffuser and showerhead perk.